
You are not your customer
You are not your customer

A few years ago, psychologists at Stanford University ran an experiment. They split participants into two groups: tappers and listeners. Those in the

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Shark Attacks
Shark Attacks

Do more words begin with “r” or have “r” as the third letter? Think about it for a second -

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Memory’s a funny old thing. Try the following test. First, get a piece of paper and a pen. Next, read

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How good a driver would you say you are?
How good a driver would you say you are?

How good a driver would you say you are? Pretty decent? Above average even? Well, you’re not alone. A recent

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Faster Horses
Faster Horses

It’s fair to say that the business world loves a good cliché. Spend any time at a marketing conference and

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Only connect
Only connect

It can come as a shock to realise just how little customers think or care about the brands we work

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