Refocusing the Business on Insight

B&Q had an existing insight team, but they had had a number of different line managers from different departments over the previous 2 years and as a result had lost their connection and purpose to the rest of the business. We were asked to bring insight back to the forefront of life at B&Q by helping the team establish a new purpose and identity


We began by restructuring the team, making sure that all members were bought into the change.

All team members were faced into stakeholder teams and encouraged to build close relationships


We refreshed the insight tools that were available, making existing tools work harder, stopping those that did not deliver value, and filling some important insight gaps (including a missions-based segmentation and state of the nation)


We set up a new reporting rhythm for the business, ensuring that easily accessible insight fed into all key projects and into regular forums (including board meetings, weekly commercial updates etc.).  All comms came with clear recommendations and next steps

We needed Insight Sherpas to come in, plug and play which is exactly what they did. They restructured, upskilled and led the team, developed a new insight strategy and plan for the year which the CEO bought into. They also developed a leading edge segmentation model and a number of other essential pieces of research that we were lacking. They got up to speed quickly and did an excellent job at delivering at pace. I would highly recommend working with them

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We become part of your team
and tackle your challenges collaboratively,
from the inside, out.